Frequently Asked Questions
Will my parents be told what I talk about in sessions with you?
I offer strict confidentiality in sessions, which means that I will not be able to feed back to others without your consent, including parents or carers, unless I had concerns about the safety. If I had concerns that you or someone else may or have already come to significant harm, then I will have appropriate conversations with others in order to keep people safe. Ideally this would be with your consent but sometimes I may need to share information against your wishes, to maintain the safety of you and others.
I know someone you are already working with. Can I see you?
It can be difficult to avoid working with people who know each other, particularly in small or local communities. Where possible I will try to avoid working with members of the same family or who are in a close romantic relationship. As with all clients, when working with people who know each other, I maintain strict confidentiality and endeavour to remain neutral and objective throughout. Client best interests remain my priority and should I at any point feel that the counselling relationship could be compromised due to decisions or actions in relation to another client, I would take appropriate action to minimise conflict, in line with the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions.